


Nutritious breakfast is offered daily!

Student Breakfast - $1.60
Adult Breakfast - $4.00

Breakfast starts at 7:45-8:00 daily.

Students who miss "first" breakfast can still access our breakfast program through "second chance breakfast", which is after the morning bell from 8:01 to 8:15.

State lunch program requirements only allow us to charge students for one breakfast per day. This means that students may only participate in First Breakfast or Second Breakfast, but not both.



Nutritious lunch is offered daily!

Student Lunch - $2.00
Adult Lunch - $4.00

 Lunch Menu


Pay Online

You can pay for school lunches online.

Make a Payment

Free & Reduced Lunch Options -
Apply and see if you qualify!

Wasatch Peak is proud to offer free and reduced lunch options to help support families. 
Did you know?
These programs not only help us ensure that student do not go hungry; they are the bases for WPA accessing Title I funds that help supply our reading intervention programs. This means that just by applying families can help the school access additional funds to work with struggling students.

Applications for the 2024-2025 school year open July 1, 2024. 

FYI - If you have not previously qualified for free or reduced meals and submit a form after the start of school and you qualify, you are still accountable for the full price of school meals until you are approved. Ensure you submit your application prior to the start of the school year. Please note that students that qualified in the previous year have a rollover of only 30 days into the new school year. 

Questions? Email Mrs. Kym Bushey at 

 Here are the three ways to apply.



1. Log into your personal Aspire account for your child.

2. Click on the link titled "Free/Reduced Meal Application". 

3. Choose your application in either English or Spanish. 

4. Read through the Introduction files.

5. Click "Apply now for free or reduced benefits" in the bottom right corner of the web page. 

6. Click "Begin Application" and start your application!

7. Don't forget to submit your final application. 

8. Free free to email Mrs. Bushey and let her know you submitted the form to confirm she can see it on her end.


Paper Form & Email to Mrs. Bushey

1. Print the pdf form below and fill it out (the Front Office has extra copies). 

2. Scan in and email the pdf directly to Mrs. Bushey.

English Form

Spanish Form

Paper Form & Give to Front Office

1. Print the pdf form below and fill it out (the Front Office has extra copies).

2. Once the form is completed, turn in the form to the Front Office.

English Form

Spanish Form

National School Lunch, School Breakfast and Special Milk Programs Media Release for the 2024-2025 School Year

Read the media release Here

Summer Program

Learn about our Summer Food Program.

Alternate Meals

Need to learn about our Meal Charge & Alternate Meal procedures? View our Policies & Procedures.